An Interview With Cody Knotts: Director of Pro Wrestlers Vs Zombies


I was granted an interview with the director of Pro Wrestlers Vs Zombies, a film which I’m sure pro wrestling fans and zombie fans will love. Here is the interview

William Cripps: First of all thank you for your time. The film looks incredible. You can tell everyone involved had a good time, and I can’t wait to see it. You’re obviously a fan of wrestling, with the mix of current stars and legends. When did you start watching wrestling,and who are some of your favorite wrestlers and matches?

Cody Knotts: Favorite wrestler was always Roddy Piper. I loved Pipers Pit.  I also loved watching Hogan defeat the Iron Sheik.  Those memories were some of the best of my childhood.

William Cripps: How did the idea for Pro Wrestlers vs Zombies come about?

Cody Knotts:  I have a son, who was 12 at the time, he loved wrestling and zombies, so I figured it was a good mix.

William Cripps: How long did the film take to shoot?

Cody Knotts16 days total. Piper was there for 13 of the days.   Shane Douglas was there the entire shoot.

William Cripps: Who was the funniest wrestler to work with on set?

Cody Knotts Hacksaw.  Hack is always on and always funny.

William Cripps: Do you have any funny stories from shooting?

Cody Knotts Piper put Brandon Graver in the hospital.  He hit him with a pot repeatedly over the head.  He didn’t mean to, but it happened.  Also Piper and I got to stand toe to toe when he was upset over something.  The result was a better shoot after we both understood each other better.

William Cripps:  What do you think the next trend will be in horror once everyone gets tired of zombies?

Cody KnottsWitches…I think they have a real power IF they are done right.  Avoid the sparkle tweener stuff…and go for the really wicked sexy stuff.

William Cripps: What are some of your favorite horror movies?

Cody Knotts Exorcist, Evil Dead 2.  I love Sam Raimi.  Blending horror with comedy is the best.

William Cripps: Who has inspired you in your career?

Cody Knotts William Friedkin, Director of the Exorcist and Sam Raimi.  One of the coolest things that has happened is that Friedkin followed me on Twitter.  I was ecstatic.  He never holds back on trying something new.  That is what matters, being daring.

William Cripps:  Do you have any advice for aspiring film makers?

Cody Knotts:  Film and don’t quit.  Easy words, hard to do.  You will make mistakes, I sure do.  Watch my first film, Lucifer’s Unholy Desire…I’m embarrassed BUT I learned and I am still learning.

William Cripps: Could There be a Pro Wrestlers vs Zombies sequel?

Cody KnottsJust wait and see…

William Cripps: What’s next for you?

Cody KnottsGore Orphanage which I’m producing.  It is based on an Ohio Urban legend and is set in the 1930’s.  It is moody and similar to Suspria in style.  My fiance Emily Lapisardi will be directing.  We are in talks with a major sci fi actresses for the lead role.

I would like to take this time to once again thank Cody Knotts for his time, and Troma Entertainment for the opportunity on behalf of 1428elm. I for one can not wait to see the movie!