‘The Walking Dead’: Top 10 Heroes

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The Walking Dead has been on the air for 6 seasons. Let’s rank the top 10 heroes out of those on the show who are still with us.

We’ve lost a lot of great characters over the years while watching The Walking Dead. That’s just par for the course when watching the show. Great characters die. We hate it. But we also love it. That nail-biting tension keeps us coming back every week.

Every season, you could probably make a top 10 list ranking the remaining survivors, and it’s going to look different every year. The characters are constantly evolving and some of them have only gotten better as the series has progressed.

With Season 6 now behind us, fans will be debating until Season 7 whose death will be kicking off the premiere. Your guess is as good as mine, but something I can do is go ahead and rank the survivors who have made it to the end of Season 6. As nobody was shown getting killed at the tail end of the finale, that means that everybody in the line-up is eligible to be included on our countdown.

So let’s get this slideshow started, and be sure to let me know if I got the order wrong — or if I forgot your favorite character altogether.

Next: Number 10