‘The Walking Dead’: Top 10 Heroes

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4. Michonne

I love Michonne. She’s always been one of my favorite characters in the franchise, dating back to when I was first introduced to her in the comic series. The TV version is very bit as badass as the one seen in the comics and video games, and I really hope she sticks around on the show for quite a long time.

There’s just something about the way Michonne uses her sword that makes her so iconic. Her look is unique as is her weapon of choice, and she’ll always be one of the most memorable characters. Simply put, she’s a badass. Of course, we all knew that right away from the first moment we saw her, when she literally dragged two of the undead along with her as pets.

Michonne would definitely be in the top 3, had she had a little more to do this season. She killer her share of zombies, and saved Rick when Jessie’s son was attempting to shoot him — she’s had her moments. But as far as doing something very memorable, Michonne hasn’t contributed all the much this year.

Well, except for her relationship with Rick, satisfying the ‘Richonne’ shippers that have been lighting up the internet for a few years now.

Next: Number 3