‘Supernatural’: ‘We Happy Few’ Is Frighteningly Fantastic Fun

With only two outings left in its 11th Season, The CW’s ‘Supernatural’ delivers a penultimate episode that may be the ultimate entry in its illustrious 11-year run.

The following review contains minor spoilers. You don’t have to prey before you read it. Chuck’s got your back. We hope you enjoy.

When God was reveal to be Chuck Shurley in the amazing episode, Don’t Call Me ShurleySupernatural went into spiritual super-speed. Years in the making, the reveal of whom God exactly is sent shock waves through every hardcore fan of the long-running show.

Welcome To The End-Amara

Since then, Supernatural has been stellar in its exploration of religious quarries, and its theological battle, Gods Vs. Evil (or better known as God’s sister Amara). We Happy Few, Supernatural’s newest outingcontinues that trend with a focused episode that features stricter storytelling than the show is accustomed to (at least more often than not) infused with Supernatural’s trademark comedy.

We Happy Few Is so focused, in fact, only three scenes don’t Involve the Winchester brothers, Lucifer, and God. Even those three scenes, which are short and move swiftly, involve killing (or capturing) Amara and service the main story line. Everything is about getting to Supernatural’s 11th Season Finale, which has been building-and a blast to watch-for some time now.

Regardless of the fun of We Happy Few , the show, like stated above, is amazingly building to the finale. So well, in fact, that some moments happen in We Happy Few’s final moments that I felt were going to be saved for the final episode. It was a brilliant curve ball to give the fans these moments early and have them wonder for an entire week what will be in store for the final outing.

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And speaking of fun, you know Supernatural ‘s going to keep this baby silly and laugh inducing. Written by Robert Berens, the scene that really give you the laughs, and actually is also quite touching, involves a sit-down meeting between God and Lucifer. Lucifer wants an apology and God is…well…God. Sometimes he can be too all knowing. The scene is great and any Supernatural fan will eat it up.

The direction is serviceable as well. It’s not breathtaking but, then again, that’s not why we watch Supernatural. Directed by John Badham, the montage when Sam and Dean, along with Lucifer, are recruiting a gang to take down Amara was great. Also, there’s a ceiling shot at the episode’s end that raises from its principle (when something bad has happened) that is great as well.

As for We Happy Few‘s acting, the supporting cast really steps it up here.

Rob Benedict and Misha Collins in ‘Supernatural’-Courtesy of The CW

Much like he’s been since it was reveal that Chuck is God, Rob Benedict is great in We Happy Few. Not only does Benedict have comedic chops, he can also handle the dramatic stuff. Without over playing the part of God, which is something some actors would do, his performance really does cause us to buy him as …well… as God. Benedict is a joy to watch and hopefully he gets more roles in the future.

Emily Swallow is also great in We Happy Few. Playing Amara, the dark sister of God, Swallow almost (or does, because it’s that close) steals the show. She’s especially great in the last 15 minutes, and proves why she was the perfect choice for the current big bad of Supernatural.

Misha Collins Is stellar as Lucifer as well. Look for his scene with Benedict’s God as his best moments in We Happy Few. He’s especially great in the “sit down” he has with God in the Winchester headquarters.

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So, will God and Lucifer solve their problems before it’s too late? Will Amara finally succeed in her master plan to end existence? Will the Winchester brothers help from the middle of the muck? You’ll have to get all religious and dash over to The CW to find out Horror Heads.


John Badham‘s We Happy Few is an entry in the Supernatural canon that The CW, the cast, and the producers of the show should be proud of. It’s a focused hour of television that knows how to build to its final act with little time wasted. We Happy Few sets up next week’s finale perfectly, gives audiences a little extra in an unexpected event, and will leave fans salivating for another taste of what’s to come. So check it now, you don’t want be left wondering when the darkness comes.


Check out a preview of next week’s finale, Alpha and Omega, courtesy of The CW:

Enjoying Supernatural? Did or didn’t like what We Happy Few had to offer? Sound off with your comments below and let’s get as many ghostly viewers as we can to get the conversation going. Don’t forget to tune into Supernatural Wednesdays at 9/8c, only on The CW.