Fear the Walking Dead: Ranking the Surviving Characters

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Photo by Richard Foreman/AMC

Episode 207 effectively concluded the first half of Fear the Walking Dead’s second season last night. Now that we have our remaining survivors tallied up, let’s power rank them to see which character is the best.

That was one hell of an episode, wasn’t it?

After many fans complained about the slow pacing of Fear the Walking Dead at the beginning of the season, millions of them tuned out in droves. All they had to do was hold on for a little longer, because the show only got better and better until we got this amazing episode.

Not everyone made it out of “Shiva” alive, and let’s take a moment to say goodbye to those we’ve lost— fare thee well to Daniel Salazar and Celia, both victims of their own mental illnesses. You both added a lot to the show, and in your own weird ways, I think we’ll miss both of you.

Now that we’ve gotten our condolences out of our system, let’s take a look at all of the remaining living characters on the series, and rank them from worst to best. This will all be according to my own personal opinion rather, so don’t get too flustered if you disagree— just hit the comments section below to let me know how wrong I am.

We’ll get this list started now, beginning with one character that I simply cannot believe has lasted this long…

Next: Number 8