‘Tales From the Crypt: Demon Knight’: 10 Things You Didn’t Know

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The first of the feature films based on the HBO horror series Tale From the Crypt was released in 1995. It was called ‘Demon Knight’, and here are ten things you didn’t know about the film.

When Tales From the Crypt made its way onto television in 1989, it wasn’t long before it became a hit with horror fans. Each episode told different bloody stories, which were sometimes scary, sometimes funny, but always great.

John Kassir provided the voice of the show’s host, a decaying, cackling corpse known as the Crypt Keeper. With a love for using Halloween-themed puns, such as referring to boys and girls as “boils and ghouls”, he was a highly entertaining character that linked all of the episodes together. His laugh alone is one of the most iconic sound bytes in the horror genre.

With the TV series becoming a success, spawning several additional seasons, Hollywood came knocking to get their hands on some of that sweet Crypt Keeper cash. Bringing Tales to the big screen would bring in millions more for the franchise, which was at least the hope of the producers. It wound up making just over $21 million at the box office on a budget of $12 million, which is technically a success.

Personally, I thought it was a fun, overrated film that gets overlooked far too often these days. While reading about the film, I compiled a list of ten facts about the flick that I round rather interesting. Read on to find out more…

Next: An original tale.