‘Tales From the Crypt: Demon Knight’: 10 Things You Didn’t Know

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From Universal Pictures

7. Demon Knight was written in 1987, two years before the show premiered.

At first, you might wonder how such a thing would be possible, but then you may recall earlier when I mentioned that the movie was not adapted from the comics, as the TV series was. It was an entirely separate horror story about demons, and turning into a Tales From the Crypt film only meant revising the script and including the Crypt Keeper himself.

Originally, Demon Knight was going to be director Tom Holland’s followup to his smash horror hit Child’s Play. Holland went as far as hiring an FX team to start working on preliminary art for the film, but ultimately passed on the project, opting to shoot Fatal Beauty instead. Who knows how much better Holland’s Demon Knight would have done, but Fatal Beauty was a box office flop.

I can’t help but wonder how the guy who did Child’s Play would have done a film such as this, but I think there’s a chance it could have been scarier. I suppose we’ll never know.

After Holland’s exit from the production, the script would wind up in limbo, eventually making it into the hands of another director of an acclaimed horror film…

Next: Another one comes and goes.