The Purge Election Year: 10 Things You Didn’t Know

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9. It has the same writer/director of the first two Purge movies

The Purge: Election Year was written and directed by filmmaker James DeMonaco. If you’re not someone who pays close attention to the opening and closing credits of the films you see, you might not have realized that this is the same guy who wrote and directed the previous two movies in the series, as well.

This is worth pointing out because it’s very rare for a horror series… or any film series, really. We’ve seen the same filmmaker helming the first two movies of a series plenty of times, but coming back in full capacity for at least a third? It’s seldom seen in cinema.

Regardless of how you feel about the movies, they definitely feel consistent. They each have that unique Purge feeling to them, and the biggest reason for that is having DeMonaco controlling the story and its direction every step of the way. You could marathon the movies and they would flow together rather perfectly.

If and when The Purge 4 sees a theatrical release, let’s hope DeMonaco returns once again. At this point, it simply just wouldn’t be The Purge without him.

Next: We could have went back in time