‘Ghostbusters’: Righteous Reboot The Right Kind Of Boo

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Official US One-Sheet for Paul Feig’s ‘Ghostbusters’


Here’s where the Ghostbusters reboot take the biggest hit: the script department. It’s not the jokes that fall flat (as most work and are side-splitting hilarious) in Ghostbusters, but the narrative plotting and story structure.

Written by Paul Feig and Katie DippoldGhostbusters basically has a rotted second act that basically weighs the film down in almost irreparable ways. After starting with a fast plotted first-act, one that moves quickly and does its job of setting up plot and character, we get to the stagnate second-act.

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What makes the second-act so horrible is at this point the film becomes less about story and more about the gags. No joke, there’re parts of the second-act that feel less like a story and more like comedy skits stacked on top of one another. Ghostbusters, in its second-act, becomes more concerned with the laughs and it’s ultimately a hindering.

Ghostbusters’ script further messes its second-act by introducing a villain and then having nothing to do with him. The villain is introduced, and then the gag stuff begins. When you introduce an antagonist, he should start to dictate the plot immediately. Here, it’s only a side point to the comedy, and sadly, it hurts the film big.

The film does pick itself back up in the third-act, surprisingly feeling like a climax despite the second-act troubles. The third-act appropriately lets the cast each get their moment, each fighting the film’s villain. It’s an entertaining culmination to witness..

One last thing the script struggled with was a moment in the end (which I won’t ruin) that feels like it was part of a different, more story-focused, script. It’s hard to talk about without giving anything away but it’s highly inorganic, and anyone who asks questions of their entertainment  will notice. (C+)


Directed with style and penuche, Ghostbusters comes off the screen with the force of a fighter jet.

Directed by co-writer Paul Feig, whose Ghostbusters marks the actor-turned-filmmaker’s sixth feature film to date, the reboot of the beloved 1984 film features much more accomplished composition and camerawork than I thought it would.

McKinnon’s abilities in not only comedy but also in keeping you glued to her every move is phenomenal; she’s simply magnetic.

While I forgot my notebook at home, and thus can’t remember exactly every shot I’d like to mention, I’ll give it a swimmer chance in a rough river. The decent direction of Ghostbusters includes, but certainly isn’t limited to: a great pull-back shot starting on one ghostbuster and pulling pack to the last (when they are at the concert), a high shot that begins to shift downward as Wig gets out of car (in the beginning when she finds)…and…I can’t remember anymore; there’re a few more stellar ones but it’s slipping.

What isn’t slipping from memory my is Feig’s surprisingly accomplished handling of Ghostbusters‘ third-act action. When the narrative comes to a head, there’s some fast, fun, and downright energetic moments that will thrill even the most casual fan. Feig especially takes care of star Kate McKinnon in a simply sensational bad-ass fight moment with some ghouls. (B)

Next: Will ‘Ghostbusters’ Reboot Have a Sequel?


Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters is a lot more fun than I ever expected. While the script is often jumbled and it’s pacing off, the chemistry between its cast and some hardy laughs are enough to warrant a viewing. With a fantastically fun tone, and some great action at its end, Ghostbusters is the film you’ll want to see in a theater; On a screen as big as the concepts ambitions.


Love Ghostbusters? Seen the 2016 version? Let the other busters of the world know what you thought about the reboot below and let’s get this ghostly conversation going.