Emma Stone in ‘Birdman’ (Fox Searchlight Pictures)
8. Emma Stone turned down a lead role in the film
Ghostbusters is a big name franchise that a lot of performers would sell their souls to appear in, but that list doesn’t include Zombieland and Birdman actress Emma Stone. Apparently, the plan wasn’t always for the main cast to feature only Saturday Night Live alumni, as Stone claims to have been offered a role to appear in the Ghostbusters reboot— but she turned it down.
For what it’s worth, according to Stone herself, her refusal to join the cast had nothing to do with the script, which she said was really funny. The offer just came at the wrong time for the actress, who had just finished shooting two films as Gwen Stacy in the short-lived The Amazing Spider-Man franchise.
“It just didn’t feel like the right time for me. A franchise is a big commitment; it’s a whole thing,” Stone clarified. “I think maybe I need a minute before I dive back into that water.”
While Stone can be hilarious at times, she’s not typically a comedy actress, and it would have been great to see her as one of the new cast members to contrast with the others. Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be.
Next: She wasn't the only one