Days Of The Dead: Talking Terror With Co-Founder Adolfo Dorta

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JC: Has Days of the Dead found a new home in Louisville, or is this a trial to see if the business is worth bring here?

AD: We’ve already extended our contract with the Crown Plaza Louisville through 2017 based on the high demand of this show. We’ve also contracted for more space than we have this year, so not only will we be returning but we will be doing so with even more to see and do.

JC: I’m from Louisville, born and raised. So I’m especially glad, and admittedly ecstatic, that you guys got the guests for your first show here. Do you have a fondest memory looking back on a previous guest?

AD: Hmmmm….that’s kind of a tough one. I’d probably have to mention one of our all-time favorites and say Roddy Piper.

At the end of our first show, I caught him in the hall lugging his bags on his way to leave for the airport when I realized I hadn’t even had a chance to meet him, get anything signed, or even take a picture. It was such a busy weekend and it being our first time out, we really got run ragged.

So figuring that a handshake would be the best I would be able to get, I stopped him for a moment, introduced myself, and thanked him for coming out. I told him we’d have to book him again in the future so I could get a photo and autograph from him, at which point he told me to go get whatever it is I had for him to sign and he would take care of me. Other staff members came around and HE offered to stick around and sign for everyone and take photos with all of us, never giving the impression he was in a rush or wanted to do anything less than give us a great experience.

After about 15 minutes of his time, I thanked him for being so generous with us to which he said, “I’m an old school guy. You gotta take care of those who take care of you. It’s my pleasure.” I’ll never forget that.

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JC: Wow, I love this story. I’ve been a life long wrestling fan, and John Carpenter’s They Live is amazing, so I’m happy to hear he was a stand up. He will be sorely missed, as he already is. So, I bet with each guest it’s different in getting them. What’s a guest you’ve always wanted to book but haven’t been able to?

AD: There’s quite a few of those, actually. Unfortunately, some folks just aren’t interested in doing the convention thing. That said, three of my top names would be Paul Reubens, Danzig, and David Cronenberg.

JC: Yeah, no convention on earth could book Cronenberg. I absolutely adore his work, but he’s a bit of a pretentious diva if you believe many a Hollywood legend. Now Reubens’ not wanting to do the convention circuit is shocking. And, speaking of a guest wish list, if you could book one guest that is no longer with us, who would it be? It can be from any era of horror.

AD: If I was going with personal preference, I’d say Boris Karloff. I think that one explains itself. If I was going from a business angle, I’d say Wes Craven (sounds funny to say, but I think our age demographic would be more familiar with him than Karloff). Either would be awesome, though, and I’m a huge fan of both.

JC: Man I would have loved to have met Wes Craven. I’ve heard nothing but nice things about the guy, and he’s a true film-making genius. We’re all missing him already. Anyway, thanks Adolfo for your time. Ill see you, and every Horror Head looking for a great horror event experience, in Louisville, Ky next weekend. Take care.

The Conclusion: 

And there you have it Fright Fans. Not only is Adolfo passionate about our genre, as is evident in every Days of the Dead show, but he’s one hell of a nice guy too. It was decent of him to give 1428 a few moments of his time, but I’m sure he knows, we’re all family in this crazy genre we love so much.

If you’re on the fence about attending Days of the Dead Louisville, jump off those rails and join us; don’t think twice. With an already impressive line-up for guests, it’s well worth the price of a ticket. Some of the guests include Hellraiser’s Doug Bradley (Pinhead), A Nightmare on Elm Street’s Heather Langenkamp (Nancy Thompson), and wrestling legend Mick Foley.

Next: The Future Looks Deadly For Days Of The Dead Louisville

I’ll personally be on hand covering every deathly detail. So,  if you see me, say hello and I may just interview about your experience. See you then Soldiers of Springwood.