Top 10 Horror Movies Coming Out in 2017

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Get Out – Courtesy of Universal Pictures

9. Get Out

Directed by:  Jordan Peele

Release date: February 24, 2017

The subject of racism has been in the headlines a lot lately. With that said, it’s a great time for Jordan Peele to release his first horror film. And although it has a satirical premise, the movie also seems to be genuinely creepy.

Get Out is basically Meet the Parents gone horribly wrong. A young black man travels to a suburban neighborhood to meet his white girlfriend’s parents. He soon discovers most of the black people in town have come up missing. One of the few remaining warns him to get out of town, but that’s when he finds himself trapped.

There’s long been a stereotype that the black guy always dies in horror movies. Get Out is really going to put that cliche to the test. This time, he’s going to have an entire town gunning after him, specifically because of his skin color. I’ve got to admit it’s a very intriguing premise, and I’m always a sucker for unique ideas when it comes to horror movies.

Jordan Peele was always hilarious on his sketch comedy show with Keegan Michael-Key. I’m sure some of that trademark humor will make its way into the film.