Loved To Death: The 5 Best Horror Films To Watch on Valentine’s Day

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Ahhhh love is in the air as today is Valentine’s Day. But if you don’t have a partner, love yourself with these five films sure to take your breath away.

Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer in ‘Warm Bodies’ – Courtesy of Summit Entertainment

Today’s the day most of us are reminded how much we are loved. With today being Valentine’s Day, lovers across the globe are rushing to make today the best day their partner has all year. But what if you’re single on the day where most are feeling the power of love (someone call Huey Lewis)? Don’t worry, because today,1428 Elm is taking your blues away.

With candy, cards, and carnage, we plan to help make today slightly better with some of the best holiday horror coverage on the net. Without further ado, here are the five best films to watch on Valentine’s Day – with or without a special someone in your life.