Loved To Death: The 5 Best Horror Films To Watch on Valentine’s Day

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1) George Mihalka‘s My Bloody Valentine (1980)

George Mihalka’s ‘My Bloody Valentine’ One-Sheet – Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

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Loving its way to number 1 on our list of the best horror films to watch on Valentine’s Day is George Mihalka‘s My Bloody Valentine.

Released in 1981, My Bloody Valentine is the Canadian answer to Sean Cunningham’s Friday the 13th. Only, the underrated film is so much more than the average ’80s slasher cash-in. Which any horror fan can tell you, there’re plenty of those.

Telling a story of torn lovers and scorned pasts, My Bloody Valentine is a true horror classic. The film excels due to its insistence in creating believable characters and engaging them in realistic situation. The ending still works to this day…and don’t get me started on the end credits song. Simply brilliant.

Honorable mentions: Shaun of the Dead, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Dead Zone.

Celebrating Valentine’s Day with a movie marathon? Think we left an important film off the list? Let the other horror Heads know what you think in the comment section below.