Fangoria: Legendary Horror Mag to Continue in 2017

Although Fangoria is ceasing production of its magazines, it may continue as a digital publication in 2017, and we’re celebrating its amazing history.

There has been a lot of confusion with what exactly has been going on with Fangoria magazine, a lot of people who paid for a subscription hadn’t received an issue in almost a year. An official statement was released on February 13th by the Fangoria staff on their official website as well as a statement from the President/Owner Tom DeFeo:

“I’d like to thank readers and subscribers for their patience as we deal with our internal issues. We will carry forward and devote our efforts to make amends with all that have been inconvenienced in our current state of affairs.”

If you didn’t read the statement on their website, it can be summarized like this: digital is far cheaper than print, and with informational technology today it seems that they just can’t keep up with the costs.

I’ve heard the rumors with their editor in chief, but I’m not here to talk drama. I’m here to celebrate Fangoria magazine and what it has meant to all horror fans since it’s first publication in 1979.

Fangoria Magazine

It’s easy to see why this thing took off.

I was born in 1983, so I grew up in just the right era to discover an age in horror that started pushing the limits of what Hollywood was able to get away with for large audiences. I would go to the corner store for junk food and always notice a scary magazine that was sitting next to the “adult magazines” that I was never able to read. There was something intriguing about a horror magazine that I wasn’t allowed to look at. If it weren’t for “USA Up All Night” I would have never been able to indulge myself in what has become my favorite genre.

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I bought my first Fangoria magazine when I was a teenager from our local book store and read the entire thing from front to back. This was around the time that the internet was just starting to pick up momentum to what we have today, so this was the medium where we got cool interviews with horror icons and read about special effect make-up secrets. My imagination soared when I saw advertisements for do-it-yourself kits and horror film festival contests.

Whenever a new magazine was released, I would buy it right away and read as much as I could. I fantasized about going to horror conventions and meeting the horror celebrities and possibly meet the same people that scared me as a kid. I also fantasized about going to Tom Savini’s Special Effects Make-Up School so I could help work on horror films as a living, which I would have never known existed if it weren’t for this magazine. Alas, I was never able to go to the school, but I still bought the magazine in hopes i could just teach myself the secrets of the trade.

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This magazine helped me gained skills I never knew I was capable of and helped me discover new horror films as well as get insights into anything horror. It’s a shame that there won’t be any more publications, but perhaps new generations will discover Fangoria in this growing digital age and inspire future fans the way the magazine inspired me.

Thank you, Fangoria.