Nicole Jones-Dion Interview: Portrait of a Talented Female Filmmaker

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‘The Elevator Game’ Nicole Jones-Dion

1428 Elm: While we are on the subject of films in development, do you find that it is easier to get a project made if it comes fully packaged with a star or a director?

Nicole Jones-Dion: Nowadays, the studios have no development money. They like it if you bring things to them that are camera ready. That way they don’t have to do any work and they can start shooting tomorrow.

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If you have money attached to a script, it will get made no problem!  I have a project in development right now called, ‘The Elevator Game.’ It’s inspired by the Elisa Lam story. She was the tourist who was found dead in the water tower on the roof of a hotel in Los Angeles.

Sean is on board as executive producer and I was hoping that would be enough to sell it. But we are getting push back because people want to know if it has money or talent attached.  Packaging is becoming increasingly important.

1428 Elm: Do you have any advice for individuals that have a great script and don’t live in Los Angeles on how to market it?

Nicole Jones-Dion: I think you need to work on your credibility. Enter your script in contests or if you are a writer/director, shoot the film yourself.  Do a Kickstarter or Indiegogo.  Then get it on the festival circuit and create lots of buzz that way. Once you get that credibility, that’s half the battle right there. You get that through the quality of work.

1428 Elm: If any of our readers want to make a film and are looking for a mentor, do you have any words of wisdom for them?

Nicole Jones-Dion: Find someone’s work that you really respect and look for them on social media. Don’t stalk them but reach out to them. You would be surprised at how approachable people in this industry can be. Social media has made it so much easier to connect with people.

1428 Elm: Do you have any upcoming directorial projects in the pipeline?

Nicole Jones-Dion: Yes. I am directing another YA feature, ‘Angels vs. Demons.’ It is about angels fighting demons but in a desolate Mad Max type of setting.

1428 Elm: Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us today, Nicole. Can you let our readers know when Stasis will be released in theaters?

Nicole Jones-Dion: We have distribution in the US and we have six territories worldwide and more are coming. Once we get a date I will be sure and let you guys know!

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