Women In Horror: The Five Most Important “Final Girls” In Horror History

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With “Women in Horror” month coming to an end, we’re taking a look at the five most important final girls in horror history. Let’s do this Fright Fans.

Heather Langenkamp in New Nightmare (Photo: New Line Cinema)

While horror fans are often looking at the bad guys for thrills, it’s the fighting females who really keep our genre going. With their vulnerability, and massive intellect, women in horror are what most horror stories need to sell the audience on the fright.

With “Women in Horror” month coming to an end, 1428 Elm is dedicating a lot of its efforts to honoring females of the genre. And there’s no better way to do that then to look at the best and most important ladies in horror history.

So let’s all say no to drugs, keep our virginity, and make the bad guy pay as we take a look at the five most important female protagonists in horror history.