Rob Zombie’s Halloween II: 10 Things You Didn’t Know

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6. Chris Hardwick arranged “Weird Al” Yankovic’s cameo in the film

In Halloween IITalking Dead host Chris Hardwick plays a smarmy talk show host. He pretty much plays an exaggerated version of himself, where he’s kind of a jerk to his guests. At least, he’s a jerk to Dr. Sam Loomis when he appears on his program to promote a book about the murders. Even the other guest, “Weird Al” Yankovic, manages to get some laughs at Loomis’ expense.

Of all real life celebrities to appear in this demented horror film, how did Rob Zombie get “Weird Al”? It seems so incredibly random, although his part is pretty funny. In an interview about the film, Zombie tells the story of how Yankovic came into the movie at basically the last second.

Chris Hardwick had already been cast as the talk show host, but Zombie wasn’t sure who the other guest would be. He wanted someone very recognizable, a celebrity that everyone would know. Having spent some time with “Weird Al” shortly before, Hardwick suggested he call Al and ask him. Zombie loved the idea of using him, and upon calling and asking him, Yankovic accepted. He flew down the next day and filmed his cameo, without really knowing anything else about the movie.