‘She Was So Pretty’ follows the tradition of films such as ‘Last House On The Left’

Move over Norman Bates, there’s a new psycho in town. His name is Alfred James Ellis III and ladies, he’s dying to meet you.

Last year at Days Of The Dead: Louisville, there was a film that made my must see list. That film is She Was So Pretty. I had read a review that likened the film to the early work of Wes Craven. As a huge Craven fan, I knew I had to see the film.

Credit: Dirt Candy Productions

This image alone should sell you on the flick.

Sadly, I did not to get to see the screening of  She Was So Pretty at Days Of The Dead: Louisville. After a long anxious wait, I finally got to see it today. I was not disappointed. Brooklyn Ewing is a very promising and talented director. That’s right — the film was directed by a woman. Take THAT people who say horror films are sexist.

Never have I been so captivated by a film with so little dialogue. In fact, the first word isn’t even spoken until somewhere around the ten minute mark. She Was So Pretty is by far a visual experience. Some of the imagery sends shivers down my spine.

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Valerie Vestron and friends go camping, and it changes her life forever. She has been stalked for some time by our new favorite creep Alfie, masterfully played by Jerry Larew. Alfie wants love, and he’ll go to extremes to get it. All he wants to do is cuddle while watching old VHS tapes of Casper the Friendly Ghost, while eating Circus Peanuts. He even looks after his girlfriend’s medical needs.

In a world where stories of sexual crimes are increasingly more common, this movie is bound to affect you in many ways. It is extremely disturbing subject matter, but not too much for us horror fanatics to handle. What makes She Was So Pretty all the more frightening is its realism. At times you feel like you’re watching home movies. It can actually happen.

Credit: Dirt Candy Productions

You’ll have this same look while watching this scene.

However the film is not without its flaws. Honestly, what film doesn’t have its flaws? At times when there is dialogue in She Was So Pretty it’s hard to hear. Something else I would have liked is a little more back story on the characters. How and when did Alfie first see Valerie? How long has he been stalking her? The movie does have an abrupt ambiguous ending. I’m not a fan of those endings but I am already excited to see the sequel coming later this year.

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Minor flaw s aside, every horror fan needs to see She Was So Pretty. It’s sure to be an underground classic.