Twin Peaks – The Return: Something is very wrong

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If It’s Not Here….

Some delightful moments in this show occur at the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department. We are introduced to the new Sheriff Truman (Robert Forster) who happens to be Harry S. Truman’s brother. Hawk, Lucy and Andy are still going through Laura Palmer’s case files trying to determine what is missing and what isn’t missing.

We also run into our old friend Bobby Briggs (Dana Ashbrook). Bobby is now a deputy. When he sees Laura’s picture on one of the file boxes, he becomes overly emotional.

There is a bit involving a chocolate bunny that is bonkers but highly entertaining. We finally get to meet Lucy and Andy’s son, Wally Brando played by the awkward dweeby, Michael Cera of Arrested Development fame.

Dressed like Marlon Brando in The Wild Ones, Cera has even adopted the deceased actor’s odd vocal patterns. It is obvious that he probably spent some time watching the Godfather movies. When he waxes philosophical, you can almost hear Brando delivering some of his famous lines from On the Waterfront or Last Tango in Paris.

Men in Black

Doc Jacoby makes another brief but haunting appearance performing a very odd and random task. Not much to say about this but I am certain this will be addressed in a future episode.

However, the real meat and potatoes comes when we go to Philadelphia and FBI Headquarters to catch up with Gordon Cole (David Lynch) and Albert Rosenfeld (the late, great Miguel Ferrer). We are introduced to Agent Tamara Preston played by Chrysta Bell.

Gordon and company are discussing the weird happenings in NYC, the glass box and the unfortunate and grisly weed whacker deaths of Sam Colby (Ben Rosenfield) and Tracey Barberato (Madeline Zima). The weirdness keeps on coming when the team finds out that Agent Cooper has been found and is being held at a prison in South Dakota. The trio are then dispatched to go and interview Coop.

The real Cooper/Dougie is meeting his wife Janey-E (Naomi Watts) who proceeds to berate him for being absent and missing their son, Sonny Jim’s birthday party. Of course, when she finds out that he was being “productive” at the Silver Mustang, she softens her attitude because now they can pay off some of their debts.

How About a Truck Load of Valium?

Another fun trip back to the original series involves a meeting with Denise Bryson (David Duchovny) who is now the Chief of Staff of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (don’t you just love saying the entire name?). There is a playful exchange between Bryson and Gordon that is extremely humorous. Duchovny is very convincing and it is obvious he is enjoying his part. Richard Chamberlain (the original King of the Mini-Series in the 70’s and 80’s) makes a brief appearance as Denise’s aide, Bill Kennedy.

Back at Cooper/Dougie’s house there is a discussion with the one-armed man who tells Cooper that he was tricked and that one of you must die. This causes Cooper to go and stare at his reflection in the mirror. Things are suddenly getting darker.

At the Buckhorn Police Department, they get a hit on the prints that were left at the crime scene from last week’s episodes. The catch is that the prints require a military authorization. Of course, this development raises more questions than answers.

Finally, Gordon, Albert and Tamara go to the prison to meet with the evil version of Cooper. Right away when they begin speaking with him, they can tell something is very wrong. Gordon even says this to Albert. Albert coins it a “Blue Rose.”