Return from the Dead: The Resurrection of the 1428 Elm Instagram page


After a taking a break for over a year, we at 1428 Elm have returned to the wonderful world of Instagram with a bang.

“It’s alive… it’s alive!”

When I joined the team at 1428 Elm a few weeks ago, I was aware that we were present on social media in the form of Facebook and Twitter, so when I asked the question about the Instagram, I was told we also had one but it was pretty much dormant.

As a person who uses Instagram on a daily basis to interact with friends, fellow horror fans, and the horror community in general, I thought it would be good If I volunteered to attempt to resurrect our “buried” account and hopefully bring one or two new readers with us on our journey along the way.

Credit: New World Picutres

We have such sights to show you.

It’s Alive: Breathing new life.

After speaking with Jeremy and Joey, as well as the rest of the team, I was granted access to our old account on Monday the 26th of June. When I logged in I found that we were following 36 accounts, followed by 30 accounts, and last posted on February 20th 2016.

We have been active for almost five days now and I am glad to report (at the time of this writing) that we are currently following 314 accounts, made up of mostly horror fans and celebrities, and being followed by 289 people, which was achieved by the new content we are posting on a daily basis — and a huge help from one of my Instagram and “real life” pals, @pure.horror, who kindly shared our page with her followers.

Credit: Gun Media

We hope to blow your mind.

So, why take the decision to follow us?

The focus for the account is to post teaser photos of articles we post on our main site, but we also endeavour to post horror related images, GIFS, photos. As well as several other posts, such as new merchandise or images that may not meet the criteria for a full blown article, to keep our horror loving followers in the loop of all that’s going on in the world of the horror genre.

We realise the world of horror news can be a very competitive business, but we pride ourselves on our interaction with readers and fans who comment on our posts. We will always endeavour to reply and engage in friendly discussions, because at the end of the day, we ourselves are fans! Just like you guys.

Credit: YouTube

Celebrate good times.

The Future.

As far as future plans go, we would like to get our content to as many horror fans as possible. Personally, I would like the page to reach the four figure following our Facebook and Twitter accounts have accumulated. We have a lot of exciting new content lined up for you guys, with talks of a podcast, collaborative pieces, and reviews of horror related products being thrown around,  so keep your eyes peeled.

Any major developments or new breaking news will always be posted on our respective social media accounts as well as our main site, so make sure that you are clicking on a daily basis to see all of the new content we have prepared just for you. Alternatively you can sign up to our mailing list on our site and turn on notifications on our social media pages so that you don’t miss a beat.

Credit: Paramount Pictures

Come back soon… or we may have to speak with Jason!

Next: UnConventional Horror: Ready for Days of the Dead Indianapolis show?

You can find us on our InstagramTwitter, and Facebook pages. We love to hear from our readers so please feel free to comment and share.