Bruce Campbell’s ‘Hail to the Chin’: Fifteen Years in the Making

Bruce Campbell’s sequel, Hail to the Chin: Further Confessions of a B Movie Actor is hitting stores on August 15 and the King is taking it to the streets with a tour.

Get ready for more hi-jinx and craziness about the business of show!

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

It’s been fifteen years since If Chins Could Kill stormed the New York Times Bestseller List. Now, Bruce Campbell is back to regale us with more tales of what it’s like to be a working actor in Hollywood. Picking up where his last novel left off, we are bound to hear more tales of weirdness told in Campbell’s witty style.

In an interview with the awesome folks at Red Carpet Crash, he dropped a few tidbits and even answered my question about his writing style. Bruce is referring to this as his trilogy and supposedly will be writing the last installment when he is seventy-five. The current incarnation is a continuation of where If Chins Could Kill left off and will detail in Campbell’s words, “further foibles of shooting in weird countries.”

via St. Martin’s Press

Uh….Can I Get My Phone Installed Today, Please?

In reference to the Tartan kilt that he is wearing on the cover of the book, it is his actual Campbell clan plaid, he is holding a highlander sword and he is not traditional when it comes to the donning of this particular piece of clothing. The photo was taken in front of Edinburgh castle.

Campbell went on to talk about more anecdotes from his book such as his lavender farm along with getting phone service installed in rural areas. Unfortunately, I know all about this one (Comcast). As if this couldn’t get any better, Bruce also admitted that he just completed the audio version of Hail to the Chin and that will be available at a later date hopefully in the fall.

Related Story: Bruce Campbell reveals he's narrating his new book

Writer Girl Has a Question for Writer Boy

Of course, yours truly had a “writerly” question for the King. I wanted to get a bead on his approach to being a scribe. Here is what he had to say on my question, “are you a ‘pantster’ or a ‘plotter’ meaning do you have a general idea about each chapter and let the inspiration guide you or do you methodically plan every word?”

“Since this is linear, I can look myself up to see what I was doing at certain times so it wasn’t hard to figure out what happened next. I just structured it back and forth between work and settling into a new life in Oregon.” He wrote the book with his buddy, Craig Sanborn. Before they began working on the tome, they actually generated ideas by recording their talks about it.

In his words, “You work around with the order of stuff and then eventually you settle on something.” It sounds like he may be a bit of a hybrid in terms of his style!

If you want to meet Bruce on his 35-city tour, you can get the details at To get a copy of Hail to the Chin for your very own visit You can also follow him on Twitter @GroovyBruce.

Next: Thoughts from the ledge on Bruce Campbell: Best selling author

Are you going to meet Bruce? Did you purchase his book yet? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. We want to hear from you!