Twin Peaks – The Return: Bittersweet beginning and a tearful goodbye

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The Good and the Verdict

The Good

This particular episode reminded me of David Lynch’s bittersweet, The Straight Story. That film was a departure in that it was a wonderful look at human behavior and the lengths that people go to in the quest to find peace.

From the opening, where Nadine apologizes for keeping Ed miserable and apart from the only woman he ever loved, to his pseudo rejection at the Double R we witness a gamut of emotions. We all know how that feels to be so totally involved with someone only to have it blow up in our faces. The discomfort and pain that Everett McGill expertly displayed was palpable.

I found myself feeling heartbroken watching him solemnly close his eyes as if to wish everything away. His despair at thinking he lost his love to another man almost made me tear up. The utter joy I felt at seeing Norma embrace him had me cheering aloud in my living room.

The tribute to the late Catherine E. Coulson was moving beyond words. Who hasn’t lost a loved one? Sometimes it is expected, at other times unexpected but it doesn’t really matter because the pain and the void in one’s heart is still felt.

“There’s some fear in letting go.” Of course, there is. You want to cling to life as much as possible. When the light went out in her cabin for the last time, tears did fill my eyes. Ms. Coulson was such an integral part of the entire mythos of Twin Peaks it is hard to believe she is no longer with us.

Richard Horne revealing that Audrey is his mother was a huge deal. We all sort of figured that one out but to hear actual confirmation is nice. I have a glimmer of hope that maybe Agent Cooper is going to make his way back to Twin Peaks after seeing Dougie/Coop electrocute himself.

The Verdict

This show was engaging and touching in spots. It also had an appropriate mix of the mystical as well. The entire idea that Mr. C traveled into another dimension to talk to Phillip Jeffries was pretty trippy but part of the norm in the world of David Lynch.

It feels like we are gearing up toward the finale. Will we find out who Judy is? There is definitely a showdown vibe in the air and it is glorious.

Next: Twin Peaks- The Return: Lonely souls that dream but who is the dreamer?

Have you been following Twin Peaks? What are your thoughts on the episode? How did you feel about Richard’s reveal that Audrey is his mother? Twin Peaks airs on Sundays at 8 p.m. on Showtime. Feel free to let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. We want to hear from you!