Bruce Campbell: Future Dancing with the Stars contestant?

It’s Ash Wednesday here at 1428 Elm so you know what that means? We celebrate everything that is Bruce Campbell. Apparently, Bruce might be interested in being a future contestant on Dancing with the Stars. Who knew?

Let’s trip the light fantastic!

Shall We Dance?

Last September on Conversations with Maria on Sirius XM the King of the B movies made a shocking revelation. Apparently, he would be very interested in appearing on Dancing with the Stars! Now, before everyone starts thinking he is the next Gene Kelly, settle down.

According to Bruce, “Are you kidding? I would do it in a second!” However, he has “eight left feet so it would be fun to see.” Known for being a snappy dresser, Campbell went on to say, “I’d be happy to try it and wear tuxedos and crap. Yeah! Let’s do it!”

One of the drawbacks to being part of the competition would definitely be Bruce’s torn hamstring. As documented in his latest book, Hail to the Chin, the Groovy guy injured himself doing a fight sequence on Burn Notice.

Also, according to Direct Conversations, during season two of Ash vs Evil Dead, Bruce managed to blow out his hamstring yet again. Despite the injuries, it doesn’t seem to dampen his enthusiasm. When asked if Tiger Balm was his best friend he replied, “Tiger Balm and stretching.”

Bruce Campbell – Courtesy of Creation Entertainment

Life Is a Cabaret, Old Chum

Years ago, when Bruce and Ted Raimi were appearing on Xena as Autolycus and Joxer they partnered with Creation Entertainment to do a Cabaret show on the Con circuit. Their performances were rooted in improvisation which is no great surprise since both men are extremely quick witted.

In addition to dance routines, there were jokes and gags aplenty. From the descriptions, it seems like Ted and Bruce had a modern-day vaudeville act. I have to admit, that would have been pretty amazing to see!

I’m a Dancing Fool

Despite Bruce saying that he has eight left feet, he does have some sweet moves. Anyone that has seen the premiere episode of Ash vs Evil Dead can attest to that. Not many people could boogie down to Space Truckin’ by Deep Purple. On a side note, I have tried and it is downright frightening.

If you are industrious, you can find some examples on the internet of Bruce cutting a rug. To give you a preview, check out this fun clip that made the rounds a couple of years ago:

Perhaps when Ash vs Evil Dead has run its course, he may be asked to be a contestant on DWTS. Clear your shelf for that mirror ball trophy, Bruce! Remember he is on his promotional book tour so check out for his schedule. If you haven’t picked up Hail to the Chin yet, hurry up and do so at For more of his humor and antics grab him on Twitter @GroovyBruce.

Next: Going Back to 1984: The evolution of Bruce Campbell

What do you think about Bruce being a contestant on DWTS? Do you think it could happen? Please feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comment section below. We want to hear from you!