Twiztid Topics: Multiple Man Jamie Madrox drops by 1428 Elm

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— Courtesy of Majik Ninja Entertainment

1428: Have you noticed any significant changes in the music industry since you began over 20 years ago to now? How has the game changed?

JM: I mean the way that music is available to people. When we first started, I came from an era of where cassette tapes and fliers and records were how you got your music. You listened to my demo tape which was a cassette tape and here’s my handbill come see my show. Me, R.O.C. and Hektic were hanging up fliers with staple guns on telephone poles because there was no internet to mass email everybody, boom we’ll be playing at this show on Friday.

Then as the years progressed, with the advent of the internet and computers, now you can go obviously on YouTube, you can go into Guitar Center and buy something and go in your closet and autotune and make a hit, upload it to YouTube and arguably within a 24 hour time span become an internet star. That was unspoken of in the time that I came from. But 20 years later, they all had to climb and methodically work their way hard up through technology.

Now obviously come out with a ringtone and now you can get a plaque for a ringtone. That was unheard of in that time. To move 500,000 records would get you a gold plaque. Now you can a gold plaque for selling ringtones. It’s insane that there’s a plaque for selling ringtones. Different times. So that’s what I’ve seen different from now and then. It’s cool though. You change with the times. You get with the times or you get left behind. But don’t be a hater to the times because I’ve noticed that it can be still be cool, people still respect old forms of art. It’s still there.

1428: If you collaborate with any artist, from any period, dead or alive, who would it be?  

JM: 12 Foot Ninja.  I love them, I don’t give a shit. They’re fresh as fuck. That dude Stevic, I wanna work with him, he’s fresh as fuck. I like him. That’s alive, I’m gonna give you somebody dead too just to make it fresh so I don’t sound like a super-duper fan, I don’t care I love the shit outta them. Dead I would wanna work with John Lennon. I would like to work with John Lennon from somebody who is dead and definitely 12 Foot Ninja for people who are alive.

1428: What’s next for Twiztid? Do you have any current projects your working on? What do fans have to look forward to from Majik Ninja Entertainment in the near future?

More from 1428 Elm

JM: We are working on two new records, and we have been in talks on doing a movie. We have a comic book that will be out in five days [now available!], it’s gonna debut at NYCC and it’s a one shot and then there’s a miniseries that spawns from it. It’s called “Haunted High- Ons” it’s like a short one story and then from it, it introduces the whole label and we unleash something on the earth that we can’t fight ourselves. So we have to recruit a bunch of our pals to help us out. It’s gonna be fun and the devil doesn’t like that so he has to throw everybody in different directions. It’s gonna be really cool. So yeah some good stuff, a comic book, a fucking movie in the works and two records that we’re working on, one of them’s gonna be music and the other ones gonna be some fun.*

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