Horror Movie Marathon Wishlist: Celebrate Halloween With These Flicks


October is my favorite month of the year! Not because of Halloween per se, but because during this month we horrorphiles can truly be ourselves, and the rest of the world gets to see what it’s like to be us.

This is the one month of the year that you can find horror movie marathons on just about any channel. So I’d like to introduce to you all my very own and first, Horror Movie Marathon Wishlist.

If you have not seen these movies, take it upon yourselves to go and check them out. You will not regret it!

The Horde is a French horror film about a squad of police officers attempting to take down a Nigerian drug lord. Fortunately for them, before the drug lord can kill them all, the zombie apocalypse began. Now the two factions have to put aside their differences and work together to survive. The scene with the guy on top of a car, holding off the horde of zombies is what caught my eye. That was an awesome shot.

I Saw The Devil takes us to China where a young police agent searches for a demented killer that preys on young women. While waiting for her tow truck to arrive, a young woman is viciously attacked and murdered. Her fiancé and father then go on an interrogation spree of known offenders attempting to flush the killer out. The attempt is successful, but the tables turn and now the fun begins.

The Human Centipede was the first movie in my adult life that made me re-think why I’m a horror fan. It took me a few times watching it, to get most of the queasiness out. But I still feel a little gurgle in my throat every now and then, so there’s that.

This German mad scientist is like a modern-day Victor Frankenstein or Frankensteen, for you Young Frankenstein fans (myself included). R.I.P. Gene Wilder. Herr Doctor was obsessed with attaching living flesh together and making them co-exist and dependent upon the other. After a few trial runs, he felt it was time to up his game. He kidnaps four specimens and then begins to incredibly alter their bodies, for his grand experiment…sorry, I felt a gurgle just thinking about it.

After the surgery, you can only imagine the horror in their eyes once they awaken and realize what has been done to them. It is the grossest, ‘ OMG what is happening to me’, moment ever!

BE WARNED: This Film Will Make You Feel Sick.

If you are a fan of director Takashi Miike (as any horror fan should be), you will enjoy the next two film on my list. First, we begin with Audition; the tale of a single, middle-aged man who lives alone with his teenage son. He and his friend devise a plan to get him a girlfriend so he can start dating again. Harmless enough, but as they hold these faux “auditions”, he begins to fancy one young lady, who in turn fancies him back. Little did he know that there was a Norman wrapped up in this Kathy Bates. By the time he realizes that she’s the wrong person for the role, it’s too late.

My next Miike favorite, Ichi The Killer isn’t really horror but is gross enough to be in the genre. This is not for the faint of heart. If you can handle the opening scene the rest of the movie is a cake walk. Ichi is a troubled soul having been bullied all his life even into adulthood. As wimpy as I’ve ever seen anyone on film, next to Milton from Office Space, Ichi is the wimpiest. Now to the killer part. His trigger is, believe it or not, BULLIES. His handler uses Ichi as an assassin, and all he has to do is get Ichi to see the person he wants killed, as the kid who bullied him and it is…a freaking massacre! Do Not Miss This Film.

I have a few more that I’d like to share with you, but I don’t want to give up all my goods at once, I want you guys to come back again. But I will share one more for the road just because I like it and you guys too.

Before Peter Jackson was a famous and highly sought after American filmmaker and director, he made films for his native country of New Zealand. One of these films is better known as Dead Alive or Braindead if you live in his home country.

Our lead character Lionel is the epitome of the word, ‘mamas boy’. Neither of them is willing to let go of the other, making Lionel obedient and subservient to his mother. After she is bitten by a strange looking rat-monkey she gets sick and dies. After she is reanimated Lionel does his best to keep her in check, but we know how mothers are when they want their way (my way or the highway mine would say) they get their way. Toward the end, the movie becomes a slapstick gross-fest, but definitely worth the watch.

Next: It Never Came: When Bad Films Don't Live Up to Good Names

Well guys, that’s all that I have for now. Stay tuned for the next episode of…well just wait for my next article. Happy Halloween you ghosts and ghouls. Auf Wiedersehen.