A Nightmare on Elm Street: 5 biggest mistakes of the fright franchise

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Lost In Wonderland 

— Courtesy of New Line Cinema

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After kicking some Krueger ass in The Dream Master, Alice then solidifies her union with Dan in The Dream Child (more on that later) by having a kid. After losing the major-league hunk to the gloved one, Alice and her unborn baby Jacob fight Freddy and vanquish him from dreamland. But then what happened to her?

Not using Alice in the sixth Nightmare is one of the biggest travesties in horror history. I mean, it’s as if New Line was sitting on gold but decided to throw it out. You have this unbelievable protagonist — arguably better than Nancy — and just throw her to the side.

Sure, it could be argued, like Nancy, Alice’s story was over. But come on, Alice showing up in Freddy’s Dead would have been the stuff of dreams.