In 1971, at Camp Hero on Montauk, the government started a program involving teleportation, time travel and psychological warfare techniques. Was the story that inspired Stranger Things fact or fiction?
“The first treaty between aliens and the U.S. Government was supposedly signed in 1913.” – Preston Nichols
Thought Control
Camp Hero was the scene of some bizarre experiments in the early 70s. As a matter of fact, it sounds like a research project for Fox Mulder and the X-Files. In later years what happened there, would be known as the Montauk Project.
Was the government really conducting experiments into thought control, teleportation using alien technology and time travel? This base had a radar system according to Wikipedia and it was known as Semi-Automatic Ground Environment or SAGE. During the 50s, this was part of the NORAD defense system so during that era, the security was pretty tight.
In the 70s, SAGE was allegedly used for other purposes. Apparently, according to Graveyard Shift, it was discovered that if the rate and width of the radar pulse were altered it actually changed the way that people felt!
So, the researchers began experimenting to see how they would make people experience different types of emotions like sleepiness or anger. Eventually, this study would incorporate more than just the people on base. It is assumed that tests may have been conducted on citizens of Long Island, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
The Montauk Chair
This was a device that was presumed to have originated from the re-engineering of alien technology. The Montauk Chair was a type of interface that enhanced a subject’s psychic abilities so that they could perform various tasks.
In 1974, the chair went “online” for the first time. The test was to have two subjects one located at Hero and another located at the South Hampton base to transmit their thoughts to one another. Like a scene from Doctor Who, something went awry and the two psychics created a “time glitch.”
Unfortunately, another chair had to be constructed for future dalliances. What caused the glitch? Transmission of a “false reality.” To make a long story short, according to Sigmund Freud, a false reality is created when the internal reality of a person (what they believe) and the external reality (what is true in real life) do not mesh.
Another test that was conducted dealt with creating physical objects. A “psychic” would sit in the chair and visual a solid object such as a pen. That pen would actually materialize in the physical world somewhere on base via telekinesis.
Remote Viewing
Ever wonder if you could see into someone else’s life? Well, remote viewing achieves that objective. This is how it works. A psychic would be given a particular object that was important to a subject.
Then that man would focus his energy so that he could experience what the subject was doing at any given place or time. This portion of the task seemed like it worked. So, of course the tests became bigger in scope.
Eventually, the psychic warriors were trying to project alternate realities on targets as a form of psychological warfare. The movie, Men Who Stare at Goats was based on these experiments. The warriors also worked on projecting thoughts on to animals and people in an attempt to get them to act in particular ways.
By all accounts, these tests were successful. However, there is no definitive proof.
1,000 Psychic Wars
In 1983, the project came to a crashing halt. Supposedly, timelines collided when one of the Philadelphia Experiment members, sailor Al Bielek was transported from the ship, the USS Eldridge in the 40s landing smack dab in the 80s in Montauk.
Right as they were trying to figure out how to get Bielek back to his ship, one of the psychics at Camp Hero materialized a Hulk like creature that destroyed half of the equipment on the base thus creating chaos.
No one remembers what happened because they were brainwashed much in the same way as the Men in Black in the movies did that to people. Although Camp Hero belongs to the New York park system, there are some rumblings that it is still viable and operating today.
Next: The Office of Naval Research: Where sci-fi technology becomes reality
Do you believe the Montauk Project is real? Did you hear of it? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below. We want to hear from you.