Smooth operator: Top 10 Ash Williams pickup lines

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Honey Bunny, I Would Destroy You in the Best Possible Way – Courtesy of STARZ

6. “Honey Bunny, I Would Destroy You in the Best Possible Way.”

Another great soundbite from Fire in the Hole. After remarking that he and Fisher should get handcuffed together more often, Amanda responds by telling him, he wouldn’t know what to do with her.

Ash being Ash has a comeback readily available. Now, this line sizzles and it definitely gets Fisher’s attention. He almost gets her in a lip lock but is thwarted by Kelly and Pablo (Ray Santiago).

Womp, womp.

Babycakes, I Don’t Know How to Turn It Off – Courtesy of STARZ

7. “Babycakes, I Don’t Know How to Turn It Off.”

Fire in the Hole has so many good Ash one liners. After Williams tells her to save the handcuffs for later, Fisher asks him, “Does it ever turn off with you?” Ash counters by saying the Babycakes line.

With the look that he gives her, Amanda will be his in no time.

Well, It Ain’t French but I Got a Little Something for Ya – Courtesy of STARZ

8. “Well, It Ain’t French but I Got a Little Something for Ya.”

This particular line of dialogue is what started the Deadite mess in the first place. Ash has this random chick over at his trailer and she admits while they are getting high that she really digs French poetry.

Williams seizing the opportunity to get into her pants, grabs the Necronomicon and together they start reading the incantation that conjures up the ancient evil. Epic fail, Ash. You may have gotten the girl in your bed but now everyone is going to end up dead.

Why Don’t We, You and Me, Just Get the Hell Out of Here and Go Somewhere Where We Can Start Over- Courtesy of STARZ

9. “Why Don’t We, You and Me, Just Get the Hell Out of Here and Go Somewhere Where We Can Start Over?”

In Ashes to Ashes (S01 E08), Ash’s evil twin is trying to convince Amanda to run away with him. She hasn’t figured out his identity yet. I have to admit that this is a VERY tempting line especially with the kind of activity that surrounds the Ghostbeaters on a regular basis.

He seems sincere when he says it as well. The look in his eyes also goes a long way in pleading his case. After all, who hasn’t wanted to run away at one time or another in their lives?

Life Is Short, You Know That – Courtesy of STARZ

10. “Life Is Short, You Know That.”

Before Ash kisses Amanda, he utters the above phrase to her. Prior to then, she has resisted his advances and now she is vulnerable. They both are since he poured his heart out to her.

Even though he is “Evil Ash” you get the feeling that he does care about her. He wants this relationship to succeed. Fisher does protest telling him that this isn’t the time nor the place for them to get romantic.

He counters that by telling her, “Life is short.” Resistance is futile, Amanda. Sometimes you have to follow your impulses all the way. Finally, Ash gets his moment.

I know there are some lines that I could have included but I felt that these had the most “bang for their buck,” so to speak.

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Do you have a favorite Ash pickup line from Ash vs Evil Dead? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below. We want to hear from you.