Kevin Smith is the Brad Pitt of weed in Hollyweed


Kevin Smith took to Twitter yesterday to announce that his pilot for Hollyweed will be available to watch on Rivit TV.

“Honestly, it’s creepy but I wake up around 4:20.” – Kevin Smith

The Power of Fandom

Last week I wrote an article about Kevin Smith teasing the possible debut of his two-year-old sitcom pilot, Hollyweed. Well, yesterday the director took to Twitter to announce that his comedy was going to be on Rivit TV.

You might have made a hard stop at the mention of that medium. What exactly is it? Good question. Deadline happens to have the answer. “Rivit is an online platform for established creators like Smith to screen their passion projects for audiences and solicit pledges to finance the full season.”

Basically, fans decide whether or not a pilot gets the “greenlight.” This puts fandom in the driver’s seat. It is the job of the creator to “pitch” their project directly to the potential viewers. Then the show is made available to the public for free.

At the end, you can say yay or nay. If you choose to greenlight the project, then you determine how much you want to pay per episode. The maximum price is $5.99. So, if majority of the audience decides on that number then it isn’t going to take too many people to make the show a “go.”

Welcome to Hollyweed

Being curious and an admirer of Smith’s work (Chasing Amy and Dogma are two of my fav 90s films) I decided to check out Hollyweed. Honestly, I loved it! The chemistry between Smith and Donnell Rawlings is pretty enjoyable.

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In the pilot, Rawlings and Smith run a dispensary called L.A. Confidential. We see them at their business and how they deal with an assortment of characters that frequent their joint. Ralph Garman of Family Guy is a standout as a screenwriter who delivers one of the best lines.

When he and Smith have an exchange about movies, Garman asks if the director saw The Revenant. Smith thinks Garman’s character wrote it. Of course, he didn’t but he “wrote a Tweet that was featured during the Oscars.”

The entire segment where Smith delivers weed to a porn shoot featuring Frankie Shaw as “Brookline Mass” is golden. Just watching his uncomfortable demeanor as they discuss “DP” movies is hysterical.

The writing is on point and Smith’s line delivery is perfect. The scene that he shares with his real-life best friend, Jason Mewes is priceless.

Check out the episode courtesy of Rivit TV.

Personally, this is one of the most original sitcom efforts that I have seen in a long time. It is definitely not cookie cutter and that is part of its charm.

Next: Kevin Smith teases possible debut of pot comedy Hollyweed?

Do you think Hollyweed should get the greenlight? Feel free to share your opinions in the comment section below. We want to hear from you.