Puppet Master reboot The Littlest Reich has a trailer!


The trailer for the anticipated reboot has been released! Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich brings those familiar murderous puppets back for a new spree.

Greetings, ghoulies!

The Puppet Master films hold a special place in my heart. They scared me when I was a kid, but I grew to love them. I even collected a few of the toys when Full Moon Pictures finally started releasing them (now they’re pricey on eBay).

I’m not going to the lie, the sequels after Part 3 were pretty lackluster and sorely under-budgeted. If there was any beloved franchise that needed a reboot, this was it.

When I first heard that it was being rebooted, I got excited. Finally, a big-budget reboot that’ll bring the killer puppet genre back into mainstream! Then there was silence for the longest time. Who was rebooting it? What studio picked it up? Will there be stop-motion or CGI? Then, we got a title and a poster:

Courtesy of RLJE

Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich is the title? Now I have even MORE questions! With a brand new trailer recently released, these questions still remain unanswered (aside from us still getting practical puppet action). Check it out below (WARNING: NSFW):

It definitely looks violent, gory, humorous, scream queen legend Barbara Crampton, and is that Thomas Lennon from Reno! 911?! Our puppets get a new design and a twist to the classic story. It appears that André Toulon was an evil Nazi that created these little guys, as opposed to fighting Nazis in the originals. I’m not quite sure how I feel about that, but it makes more sense than a vengeful toy maker making the killer dolls friendly as the series progressed.

Folks, this looks like a lot of fun. And from what we can see on the early screening reviews on this new poster, I can’t wait!

Courtesy of RLJE

I did a little bit more digging and found a possible plot synopsis for the film from the Puppet Master Wiki page. Take with a grain of salt, but this sounds about right:

"Edgar, a recently divorced young man returns to his childhood home to regroup his life. He discovers a mint condition Blade puppet in his deceased brother’s closet and plans to sell the puppet for some quick cash. Joined by his friend Ashley and comic book nerd Markowitz the three set out on a doomed road trip to a convention in Oregon to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the infamous Toulon Murders. All hell breaks loose at the Postville Lodge during the auction when a strange force that is motivated by an evil as old as time animates all of the various puppets throughout the convention as they go on a bloody killing spree."

Next. The Prowler (1981): Flashback to the '80s slasher. dark

There’s a targeted theatrical AND a VOD release date for August 17th of this year!! Which means that it’ll play in select bigger city venues, but us peons will still be able to watch it On Demand. I’ll be taking a night off work for this one.