Ash vs Evil Dead: Top 10 kick ass songs from the show

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El Jefe- Space Truckin’ – Courtesy of STARZ

1. Space Truckin’ – Deep Purple (S01 E01 El Jefe and S03 E10 The Mettle of Man)

This song started the saga and ended it three years later. Every time I hear it, I get a mental picture of Ash Williams dancing around his trailer like a crazy man.

I was aware of Deep Purple with their signature tune, “Smoke on the Water.” However, I didn’t know this particular number until I was introduced to it while watching El Jefe.

I can tell you when I heard it at the end of the series in The Mettle of Man, it was emotional. But it was also empowering because you knew Ash would live to fight another day.

Space Truckin’ evokes such great memories of a television series that was spawned from a horror movie that I watched 35 years ago in a theater as an impressionable 17-year-old. Who knew that as an adult I would end up writing about it?

Then again, there are certain popular culture items that touch people more than others. For some, it is Star Trek, for others it is Star Wars or Marvel superheroes. However, for me it will always be The Evil Dead trilogy.