My conversation with Bruce Campbell: Straight, no chaser and no agendas

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No Gigging Anymore – Bruce Campbell – Courtesy of Oregon Cultural Trust – Andy Batt

 No “Gigging” Anymore

1428 Elm: Knowing that you are selectively retired, is it going to take a lot to get you off your mountain in Oregon? Do you want to do more things like Lodge 49, if they come up?

BC: I’m not looking for outside stuff. What I am looking for is to finish my office. The hardest thing right now is to be patient and retool for 2019. That will be the first year where everything will be done and completed.

No more dicking around with offices and getting ready to work. Now, I will have a place where I can properly get busy.

Every year that will pass now will be harder to get me off that mountain. I’ll be getting off it but I am trying… well it’s got to be spectacular.

I’m not “gigging” anymore. No more gigs.  I’ll go to that gig, I’ll do that gig… I am mostly going to push the game show (Last Fan Standing) now. It’s time to sell it.

We’ve done it in over 30 cities, we’ve tested the format. It’s very adaptable. We have a bunch of other bookings coming up later this year.

It’s time to go pitch it! Say, “Hey, man catch it in Denver. Come see it live.”

The Game Show Phase

The Game Show Phase – Bruce Campbell – Courtesy of Hedrin

1428 Elm: I remember last year when we talked you had said you were going to pitch it. I think Last Fan Standing would be great on the Game Show Network. Have you considered that possibility?

BC: That’s the obvious stop that you got to make but I think at this point there is the SyFy channel and there are a lot of possible outlets you could do. You could shoot the thing in a studio or take it and make a deal with conventions.

You shoot it at the conventions. There are so many different ways you could go with it. I am just going to go out and shop it around and see what happens with it.

1428 Elm: I remember in the past we talked about when you did Last Fan Standing in Vegas at the Hard Rock. It was pretty successful. Would you ever consider making it like a show on the Strip? Do you want to move there?

BC: You just do a temporary residence type deal. You put it on for a couple of months there. It’s a perfect fit for Vegas. There’s a bunch of bored tourists running around looking for stuff to do.

I would also do it for Universal Studios, a couple of shows a day and pack them in. Grab them off the street, the same format.

You’re not vetting anybody, you’re just grabbing them and bringing them in. So, we would go to the venues that are ripe for the plucking.