My conversation with Bruce Campbell: Straight, no chaser and no agendas

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If You Do Last Fan Standing – Bruce Campbell – Courtesy of Live Wire Radio

If You Do Last Fan Standing, the Audience Will Come

1428 Elm: That makes sense go to your audience.

BC: So, we’ll see. Some things are so obvious, they will never happen.

1428 Elm: Why is that? It’s like a no brainer.

BC: I don’t know. It depends on what they’re looking for. Every network is different. They are trying to reinvent themselves and figure out who they are. Not everyone has room for a game show.

1428 Elm: But this is a different kind of game show.

BC: It’s for people that tend to love pop culture which seems to be an increasing percentage of our population.

That Time When Bruce Went Ziplining with Sam Raimi

That Time Bruce Went Ziplining with Sam Raimi 2 – Bruce Campbell – Courtesy of Bruce Campbell on Twitter

1428 Elm: Switching subjects for a moment. This is an off the wall question but prior to getting back into the swing of doing conventions and Last Fan Standing you had posted some pictures of yourself white water rafting on social media which we know you do. But then you went ziplining. Is that something you always wanted to do?

BC:  That was scary as s***! I don’t think I need to zipline much more in my life. I think I can check that box now. Where we did it, it was up by Crater Lake, we went from tree line to tree line.

We never went down to the ground after we started. You go from the tops of these trees to a small platform where you are hunkering around. That was never my thing but my buddy Sam Raimi came up to visit so we thought we would do some adventuring.

We did some swimming in rivers. It was time. I was so glad we did it before the smoke of all these stupid fires attacked us.

1428 Elm: So, Sam did all these things with you? Did you have to talk him into it?

BC: Back in his formative years, Sam was crazier than anybody. It was fine. The thing with Sam is to pull him away from work.

1428 Elm: Some people do things to conquer certain fears they have. Do you have a fear of heights or anything like that?

BC: No, not at all. It was just some random thing that I never ziplined before. Box checked.

The Next Big Adventure

The Next Big Adventure – Bruce Campbell – Courtesy of Bruce Campbell on Twitter

1428 Elm: Do you have any more adventures lined up? Something you have never done before?

BC: I am going to ride the rails to trails where they converted the old rail lines into dedicated bike paths. Some of them go for over 100 miles. That’s my next adventure, a good, long bike path.

1428 Elm: You’re coming to the east coast for Last Fan Standing. They have bike paths here too. I’ve ridden my bike on some of them.

BC: They have them everywhere now.

1428 Elm: I know that you have an electric bike. Do you use that or do you prefer to do it yourself?

BC: It depends. If I take my car, I can take it with me. But if I fly somewhere then I’m just going to rent whatever they have.

1428 Elm: In Los Angeles, I know they have the path that runs from Will Rogers State Park to Manhattan Beach. You have done that, right?

BC: That’s pretty far. I’ve done that multiple times. That’s a good one.