The Castle Rock Times: Does anyone understand what’s going on?

There is only one episode left of Castle Rock. Does anyone actually understand what is going on? I sure don’t.

It seems the writers of Castle Rock have taken a page out of the late great Rowdy Roddy Piper’s playbook. Just when we think we have the answers, they change the questions. We finally know who The Kid is, maybe? At least in one dimension, he is Henry Deaver. He is working on a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, and his mother lives in Florida with Alan Pangborn. Confused yet? Yeah, me too.  Now all we need to know is which dimension is our dimension? Is everything we have learned so far false?

The complete 180 degree turn the ninth episode of Castle Rock has taken wouldn’t be so bad, if there were more than only one episode left to resolve things. There is still so much left to learn. Who is the real Henry Deaver? What is the fate of Wendell in Salem’s Lot? Can we trust anything we see in the show or the town itself? Maybe this entire time everything has been inside Ruth Deaver’s head. At least in this episode Bill Skarsgard gets a chance to shine.

At this point all we can do is hope that we will get some answers to complete the story. We have to hope we won’t be left with another cliff hanger next week making us wait until season 2. There is at least one thing we learn from Castle Rock. Expect the unexpected because all bets are off.  I fully expect next week’s season finale to be even more mind blowing than the average show.

Looking to the future and season 2, I hope that Stephen King himself writes a few episodes. Join me here next week as we find out how this season of Castle Rock comes to a close.

What are your thoughts on Castle Rock’s first season? Let us know in the comment section below.