14. Season 6, American Horror Story: Hotel, episode 7, “Flicker”
Why it’s so frightening: New York fashion designer Drake (Cheyenne Jackson) has moved to Hotel Cortez! That’s not the scary part, though it is the beginning of terrors for him. From the beginning, after two construction men break through a wall, the horrors start. Almost immediately, evil zombie-like creatures kill and devour the workers once they enter the walls. We begin to realize many questions about the history of Hotel Cortez will be answered in this episode. The gory deaths don’t stop there. The same monsters who murdered the construction crew escape and kill the realtor. And they’re not done yet!
This episode is also a lot of fun for several other reasons. For starters, Lady Gaga’s character, the Countess, is front and center! The actress really shines in this episode. Her back story is revealed, including how she ended up with Mr. March (Evan Peters). We see one of March’s first kills at the hotel, Countess’ wedding, and how she became so cruel.
In flashbacks, we see Countess reunited with her first (two) loves, but it doesn’t take long for March to find out about it and arrange for their murders. This is a secret he takes to the grave, literally, and even into the afterlife as a spirit. Audiences then realize Tristan (Finn Wittrock) and Natacha (Alexandra Daddario) are the monsters from the beginning of the episode. Unable to kill them, because they are immortal, March ended up trapping them within the building, with no way out. All this time that the Countess was searching for them, they were living there the entire time. When Countess learns about this, she’s crushed.