The rearview mirror: Saying goodbye to Ash vs Evil Dead and The X-Files

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Ash vs Evil Dead and The X-Files are two franchises that I grew up with that are now firmly entrenched in the past. As 2018 is in the rearview mirror, I would like to take a look back at an era in television that we may never see again.

Ash vs Evil Dead and The X-Files are very famous franchises. I am fortunate to have lived through their hey days as well as their current incarnations. With 2018 drawing to a close, I have decided to look back at this era of television because we may never see this kind of risk taking again.

With streaming services becoming the havens for talent and truly original series ideas, I do realize that there are other quality shows out there. However, maybe it is because the older I get the more nostalgic I become when programs that played such a huge part of my formative years get cancelled or finish their runs.

This isn’t going to become a piece about reviving these series. That ship has sailed. I would be remiss if I didn’t pay some sort of homage to both of these terrific properties. So, let’s get in the way back machine to where it all began.