UFOs: Luis Elizondo hints that 2019 might be the year of disclosure

Luis Elizondo who used to head the secret study of UFOs for the Pentagon hints in a recent interview that 2019 might be the year that conversations happen on this phenomenon.

Luis Elizondo was the head of the secret government study on UFOs. Last year around this time, The New York Times dropped a major bombshell by revealing the details behind that effort. Elizondo who is now working with Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences revealed in a recent interview with Las Vegas veteran reporter George Knapp that 2019 might be the year that disclosure of unidentified aerial phenomenon begins.

For years people have been petitioning the government for information concerning UFO sightings. When The Freedom of Information Act passed in the 60’s everyone was hopeful that they might be able to obtain certain documents pertinent to high profile investigations into what could possibly be flying around in our skies. However, while requests were granted expectations remained unfulfilled as some information that was returned was redacted.

George Knapp who is a well-known personality among the UFO community and an investigative journalist in Las Vegas has been following this beat for years. He was fortunate enough to sit down with Luis Elizondo to try and get some answers on what To the Stars Academy has been up to and how their quest for dialogue on UAPs is going.

While it might appear that the chatter about UFOs isn’t as prevalent as it was a year ago, don’t let that fool you. In reference to whether or not the Department of Defense is still paying attention, Elizondo had this to say:

"“I think people will be surprised just how frequent and the volume in which these things are apparently recorded and observed by active duty military people on missions, around the world, by the way.”"

To the Stars Academy is fighting the good fight by taking meetings with world military leaders as well as engaging people in the scientific community to analyze possible UFO crash site metamaterials. While progress is being made and the compass is pointing in the right direction monumental results will not be yielded immediately.

Although that doesn’t mean that the future won’t include some forms of enlightenment on the UAP issue. In fact, Luis Elizondo hints that questions may be answered.

"“Data is forthcoming. So, that’s a good thing. Data is beginning to flow in the direction that it’s supposed to flow in. Decisions can now finally be made that need to be made. From my perspective, that is a huge accomplishment. But at the same time, we also have to respect these individuals’ privacy. We have to respect their professional positions and allow them to collect as much data as they can before they do anything with it.”"

Elizondo remains optimistic that the public will learn the truth about UFOs but it will be a gradual dissemination of details rather than one huge disclosure event. There is quite a bit of research to sift through. Meanwhile it would appear that perhaps we aren’t alone in the universe.

Do you believe that 2019 will be the year of disclosure on UFO phenomenon? Feel free to share your comments in the section below. We want to hear from you.