What the Future Holds
Michael Ironside – IMDb 2 – Courtesy of IMDb
1428 Elm: Tell us a bit about your daughter Adrienne’s production, My Best Friend Depression that you worked on.
MI: My daughter has been on films with me since she was 5 years old. When she was 14 and 15, she started working behind the camera. She worked on a couple of projects that I produced.
They are piece-mealing the film together. My daughter called me and asked if I could do her a favor. She told me there was a character she wanted me to take a look at so she sent me the script. And it was interesting.
I flew to the location, spent a couple days on the film and had a ball. It was the kind of situation I love. Everyone was trusting each other.
It was a complete learning experience for everyone involved. The director, a new actress, a writer. Adrienne was doing everything to support them. I can’t wait to see the film.
1428 Elm: Are there any other projects your fans can look forward to?
Michael Ironside – The Alienist – Courtesy of Photo by Kata Vermes – © ô & © 2017 Turner Entertainment Networks, Inc. A Time Warner Company. All Rights Reserved.
MI: American Desert. Matthew Modine’s daughter, Ruby is also in this movie. It will be opening in the spring.
Thanks so much to Michael Ironside for his time. You can catch The Harrowing which will be available Dec. 25 on VOD and digital platforms. Pre-orders are available on i-Tunes.
What is your favorite Michael Ironside film? Feel free to share your comments in the section below. We want to hear from you.