Horror movie actors and actresses that should be nominated for an Oscar

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4. Gina Rodriguez – Annihilation (Supporting Actress)

Horror-Gina Rodriguez in Annihilation – Courtesy of DNA Films, Paramount and Scott Rudin Productions

When comedic actors and actresses turn dark, you can find surprising wells of emotion. While Annihilation qualifies as a sci-fi film first, the horror elements are unmistakably present in the Gina Rodriguez scenes of the film. Her performance is one of fear and anger, which ultimately makes her an excellent foil for the subdued Natalie Portman.

Rodriguez delivers energy and heart to Annihilation that really shakes up the group. While all of the women are scientists, each observing the world for the scientific breakthroughs possible, her background as a paramedic makes her the most empathetic character on screen. With the most room to create a showy performance, Rodriguez blows the doors off the walls and delivers one of the very best turns of 2018.