The holiday of love right around the corner, we have gathered together some of the best Valentine’s Day horror movies for the lovers and the haters.
Love is in the air. It’s everywhere; it’s in your eyes, ears, hair…everywhere. It’s gross, isn’t it? There are two types of people on Valentine’s Day: people who absolutely love everything about it and people who loathe it. I am personally on the fence.
While I think it is a holiday by the greeting card industry, I can appreciate all of the pink foiled strawberry flavored candies. The big question is what to do on Valentine’s Day? It’s too crowded to go out and everything is packed so the only other option is to stay in and watch movies, which is the preferred option. So what do you watch? Valentine’s Day horror movies, of course!
I present to you, ladies and gentleman, a complete list for the couples and the singles out there. I have the perfect love/hate Valentine’s Day compilation that will tickle the fancies of all those involved.
You love Valentine’s Day? GREAT! There’s a movie on here for you. You hate it? Perfect, I have you covered. Want romance? We have it. Want horrible murder, torture and dismembering? It’s all there.
So just sit back, buy ALL the candy your little heart could ask for, and work your way through this list of 15 horror movies perfect for Valentine’s Day. Bring on the blood…it’s festive, ’cause it’s red.