Peering into the Future
1428 Elm: What do you think the future will look like for paranormal investigations?
AmB: The message we have been trying to spread with Kindred Spirits is really seeing more of the human element in investigations and realizing that while we haven’t been able to prove it scientifically, we have a very strong idea that we are dealing with people.
So, we are trying to get away from the novelty of haunts and delve into the heart of these events by really looking at the entities and happenings as though they are caused by actual people. Once you do that, a haunting has a whole new light to it.
AdB: I would say, from a technology standpoint, we use a lot of equipment on our show but we always encourage people not to get lost in it and to experiment and try new things.
We encourage people to keep pushing and move beyond orbs. We’re done with orbs.
Don’t ever show me an orb again. I don’t care about it. There’s other things that we can talk about and focus on that are more important.
So, for season 3 (of Kindred Spirits), we take all of the equipment that we use and push it to new heights and new levels, which I encourage other paranormal investigators to do.
We appreciate Amy and Adam taking the time to visit with us at 1428 Elm. Tune into the Travel Channel Thursdays at 10 p.m. to catch Kindred Spirits!
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