NOS4A2: Christmasland is NOT as jolly as it sounds in newest teaser

Another new trailer has been released for AMC’s upcoming adaptation of Joe Hill’s NOS4A2, and this looks very intriguing. NOS4A2 is slated to begin its run this year, most likely in the summer.

“NOS4A2” was Hill’s third book, a 700-page novel with a cover featuring a bloody, beat up license tag. The tag number, of course, was NOS4A2, which die hard fans knew was an homage to the 1922 vampire film Nosforatu.

NOS4A2 tells the story of Vic McQueen, a girl who has discovered that she has a talent for finding lost things when she takes her bike across the Shorter Way Bridge. On one such trip, she enters “Christmasland” and encounters the evil Charlie Manx, who survives by basically sucking the life out of children, leaving them vampire-like. She escapes Manx, with the help of overweight Lou Carmody and his motorcycle, but the trauma affects her into adulthood.

Now, Manx has come back to seek revenge by kidnapping Vic’s little boy, and she has to fight him again. A mere description of the plot cannot even begin to convey how compelling these characters are, and how much you come to care about the fates of Vic, Lou, and their son Wayne.

The first couple of teasers for AMC’s 10-episode series were effective but didn’t give too much away. They were mostly quick shots of someone on a motorcycle, scrabble tiles, a bridge, a map of Christmasland, a vintage Rolls-Royce Wraith driving with the headlights on, scenes that would mean nothing to someone not familiar with the book.

The latest teaser actually gives us a sort of introduction to the character of Vic, played by Ashleigh Cummings (Hounds of Love), and there is a smattering of dialogue included as well. We also see quick shots of Charlie Manx, carrying a Christmas gift, and walking through part of his twisted and frightening Christmasland.

NOS4A2 also features Zachary Quinto as Manx, and he looks suitably horrid in the footage that has been released. Manx is young and refreshed after feeding off of children, but becomes old and decrepit when hunger gets the better of him.

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If the series lives up to the potential of these teasers, I will personally be very happy! Joe Hill made a statement indicating that he is very, very pleased with it, saying,  “I know it’s in good hands with showrunner Jami O’Brien: Her beautifully composed scripts show a writer at the height of her powers, one who has an exquisite touch with character and a relentless instinct for suspense. AMC’s record speaks for itself: Who wouldn’t want to be in business with the Mad Men who Broke Bad and made The Dead Walk? And Tornante’s dedication to bringing singular visions to TV has freed everyone involved to do their best and truest work. I can’t wait to see Vic McQueen turn the throttle and go after Charlie Manx in 2019. Let’s ride.”

It appears that NOS4A2 is planned to run multiple seasons, so I don’t expect that we will get to the end of Vic and Charlie’s story in the first 10 episodes. Here’s hoping the ratings are high enough to bring it back! Trust me, it’s a story that will haunt your dreams.

Have you seen the teasers for NOS4A2? What do you think about them, do they make you look forward to tuning into AMC when the series runs? Let me know your take in the comments section.