Netflix: Get your horror, sci-fi, true crime and thriller fix this April


Although this is another light month for horror on the streaming services, there are still some good movies on Netflix’s roster for April. Not all are horror, but there are some decent true crime and thriller additions.


Bonnie and Clyde –This 1967 movie, starring Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty as America’s favorite bank robbers, is credited with including “one of the bloodiest death scenes in cinematic history.”

Deliverance — Based on the novel by James Dickey, you probably know it best for its notorious male-on-male rape scene and the brilliant use of Dueling Banjos. It also happens to be a tense, harrowing thriller featuring four friends (Burt Reynolds, Jon Voight, Ned Beatty and Ronny Cox) on an ill-fated canoe trip down the fictional Cahulawassee River.

Freddy vs. Jason — A 2003 mashup of Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th, FVJ was the 8th Nightmare movie and the 11th for Friday the 13th. You would think Freddy and Jason would be best buds, since they have so much in common, but instead they end up fighting to the death.

Friday the 13th (2009) This reboot brings back everyone’s favorite machete-wielding, hockey mask-wearing crazed killer. A group of young potheads decides to hang out at Camp Crystal Lake, and it doesn’t end well. The bright spot in this flick is Supernatural’s Jared Padalecki.

Netflix April – Friday the 13th – Courtesy New Line Cinema

I Am Legend – Will Smith stars as Robert Neville, the only human left in New York City after a virus has wiped out most of the the world and turned remaining humans into vampiric creatures.

Lakeview Terrace – Speaking of Will Smith, he co-produced this crime thriller. Samuel L. Jackson plays an LAPD cop who terrorizes an interracial couple in his neighborhood. Patrick Wilson and Kerry Washington play the beleaguered neighbors.

Monster House – I love this animated film, which is both funny and frightening, and features an all-star cast of voice actors. Three kids work together to conquer an evil haunted house in their neighborhood.

Obsessed – Beyonce stars as a woman whose husband (Idris Elba) is stalked by a co-worker (Ali Larter). Apparently the stalker doesn’t know you shouldn’t mess around with Sasha Fierce.

Netflix April – Obsession – Courtesy Screen Gems

Snatch – Guy Ritchie wrote and directed this comedy crime movie featuring Brad Pitt, Jason Statham and Benicio Del Toro. Snatch is a cult favorite, although many people found the plot too similar to Ritchie’s Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D – The seventh installment in the TCM franchise shows the Sawyer’s house being burnt down, and an infant being taken. Years later, a group of attractive young adults trek to Newt, Texas so Heather can see the house she inherited. Spoiler alert: Leatherface shows up!!!

The Bone Collector – NBC recently announced an upcoming series based on this Angelina Jolie – Denzel Washington movie (and the book it is based on).  Washington plays a quadriplegic former police officer attempting to track a serial killer with his female partner.

Netflix April – The Bone Collector – Courtesy Columbia Pictures

More from Netflix

The Fifth Element – I think there is really no apt description for this wild and crazy sci-fi thriller. It features Bruce Willis as cab driver Korben Dallas, who is taxed with saving the world while protecting Leeloo (Milla Jovovich). If you have never seen this, you should absolutely watch it.

Valkyrie – In World War II Nazi Germany, a group of Army officers plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler and take over Germany. The cast includes Tom Cruise, Kenneth Branagh and Bill Nighy.


Suzzanna: Buried Alive – After wanting a child for many years, a woman finally becomes pregnant. When she is murdered, she comes back to seek revenge by terrorizing her killers.


Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Season 2 – The Netflix original series, loosely based on the Sabrina the Teenage Witch comic book, returns for its second season, which is supposed to be darker than the first. Sabrina continues to experience conflict between her mortal and witch halves.

Netflix April – Chilling Adventures of Sabrina – Courtesy Netflix


Black Summer – In this zombie apocalyptic series, a woman goes on a dangerous journey to find the daughter she has been separated from.


The Silence – In a plot that sounds strikingly similar to A Quiet Place, the world is attacked by frightening creatures who hunt down humans by sound. A teenage girl and her family encounter a cult while trying to find a safe place to stay.


The Hateful Eight – Eight strangers, including a bounty hunter and his prisoner, find themselves trapped together in a cabin during a dangerous blizzard. I remember turning to my husband halfway through this movie and saying, “For a Tarantino film, this is relatively non-violent.” Then, all hell broke loose, and blood began to fly.

Next. The Craft reboot finds its director. dark

It’s sort of a short list this month, but there are still some decent options on the list, don’t you think? Which of these additions will you be checking out? Let us know in the comments section.