Ash vs Evil Dead: Wish list for the upcoming virtual reality game

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Ash vs Evil Dead Season 3 2018 Courtesy of STARZ

5. Kelly Maxwell Is the Jefe Now and a Mother

We know that Kelly has been primed to take over as the Ghostbeaters’ leader. She has been to the Dark Lands. Although she was foolish to seek revenge against Ruby on her own, Maxwell took on the Demon Queen full throttle and gave it her best shot.

She was fearless and didn’t back down even though she knew in her heart her last-ditch effort to end Ruby’s life once and for all could result in her demise. Armed with wisdom and age, Kelly post-Ash knows how to defeat the Deadites. Plus, her love for Pablo has made her fiercely protective.

Quite a bit is at stake for her. It is a lot to shoulder knowing that one day your mettle might be tested to save the world but it is another when you are responsible for lives other than your own.

Our Kelly is now a bad-ass Mother. We already know that she and Pablo declared their love for one another. Now, they have consummated it with the birth of a child.

A new character will be introduced, their son who like his father will be a future El Brujo Especial. At an early age, he will exhibit Pablo’s abilities to sense when the Dark Ones are near.