Scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis guests on Game Grumps

In a huge surprise, the Game Grumps posted a Guest Grumps episode featuring the incomparable scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis.

Jamie Lee Curtis plays video games?! Who knew?

I will admit that I live for video games. While I do love horror movies, gaming is where my heart lies. If I am not playing or reviewing video games, I am watching OTHER people play them.

I may be single-handedly keeping the YouTube Let’s Play market in business. One of my most favorites is Game Grumps.

While they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, I thoroughly enjoy all of their videos, especially their segment called Guest Grumps. It’s pretty self-explanatory but Guest Grumps is Game Grumps plus a guest or two and Sunday’s episode was the best of them all because Jamie Lee Curtis was on!

I have notifications on my phone, so when Game Grumps, or any of my favorite YouTube content creators, post a new video, I get an alert. When I saw Jamie Lee Curtis on the thumbnail for the video, I figured it was just a joke but NOPE, our beloved scream queen sat down to play Super Mario Party with Arin Hansen, Dan Avidan and her son, Tom.

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At first I wondered what this episode would be like. As much as I love Curtis, I can’t imagine that she is a gamer. So, I wondered if this was going to turn out to be like me watching my mother try and play a video game (aka, not fun at all). As it turns out, after a little instruction, Jamie Lee was able to hold her own.

Once she was given the go ahead to cuss, it was no holds barred. Apparently, she is damn delightful and hilarious and talks like a sailor, which I appreciate. The level of sass is high with this one and she can talk crap just as good as anyone. Basically the moral of all of this is that Jamie Lee Curtis is forever amazing and you should watch the video. It’s an hour long, but so what?

This Game Grumps video just made my weekend and I think it will make yours too. The guys are about to go on tour for one last time in their past format, so if you like them, check out their tour schedule to see where they will be.

Did you watch the video? What did you think? Let us know in the comments!