After a very successful first season of “The Last Drive-In” with Joe Bob Briggs, it looks like Shudder has listened to the fans.
Tonight is the season one finale of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs on Shudder. It is easy to see that the horror community loves it and wants more but the question was will Shudder renew this fan favorite show?
Well, tonight isn’t the last we’ll see of Joe Bob Briggs if you know what I mean and I think you do. It was announced that The Last Drive-In was renewed for season two and the entire horror community is celebrating.
In case you missed it, but really how could you, Joe Bob had an epic return last year with a surprise Summer marathon followed by a couple more amazing marathons and the announcement of the weekly show.
The Last Drive-In has shown classic films like C.H.U.D., Wolfcop, A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, Contamination and a ton more. Each week, Joe Bob and Darcy the Mail Girl show off two amazing films every Friday night.
Craig Engler, the General Manager of Shudder has heard the cry of fans and this is what he had to say according to the press release:
"“From our first marathon and subsequent specials in 2018, through this year’s series, Shudder members have been loud and clear: we can never have too much Joe Bob. We have read every tweet, every email, and every Facebook comment crying out for more. Message received. Joe Bob will be back.”"
You requested it and Shudder is delivering. We are getting more Joe Bob, more Darcy, more awesome as hell horror movies and more industry information than you can shake a stick at. And horror fans aren’t the only ones that are happy about the renewal.
Joe Bob had some things to say about the renewal and the marathon that started it all:
"“It hasn’t even been a full year since the 24-hour Last Drive-In marathon, but since then I’ve made thousands of new friends and reconnected with thousands of old ones. The main reason I’m coming back to do another season is that this community of horror fans is greater than the sum of its parts, and it’s about something larger than horror. Don’t ask me what that thing is, but it’s a source of great joy to me.”"
Image courtesy of Shudder
I have said this before and I will say it again. The return of Joe Bob isn’t just about great movies and even better commentary.
This was the first time I have seen the entire horror community come together for one purpose to comment, laugh and share stories about why horror movies are so great. So, here’s to another season and hopefully more to come of The Last Drive-In and of Joe Bob Briggs.
What’s your favorite film shown on the first season of The Last Drive-In? Let us know in the comments!