15 scariest summer horror movies of all-time

BILL SKARSGÅRD as Pennywise in New Line Cinema’s horror thriller "IT CHAPTER TWO,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Photo Credit: Brooke Palmer.
BILL SKARSGÅRD as Pennywise in New Line Cinema’s horror thriller "IT CHAPTER TWO,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Photo Credit: Brooke Palmer.
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7. Jeepers Creepers (2001)

Directed by Victor Salva

This is a franchise that could’ve been SO much better had the behind-the-scenes drama been smoothed over. Also, maybe a different director with a less horrific past could do the job just as well, if not better with a fresh perspective.

Despite all these factors, Jeepers Creepers still stands as one of my all-time favorite horror movies and even watching it 18 years later, the reasons for why I fell in love with it are still present and have aged considerably well.

The story, which involves a brother and sister encountering a humanoid creature on the last day of an eating spree before resting for 23 years, is arguably even more terrifying than when I first watched it as a measly 6-year-old who didn’t fully understand what was happening.

As an adult, I’ve had to drive on rural roads and highways bordering many farms and fields, so the fear that the Creeper may be lurking in the skies searching for their next victim is a fear that has not been quenched with me over time.

It should’ve been a safe summer trip down to the parents’ place, but the Creeper is one that wakes in the beginning of summer, freshening his meals over the days he gets to feed. It’s still pretty early May here, but I think Jeepers Creepers still stands as a summer horror movie and a disturbing one at that.

An intimidating antagonist that is quick to decapitate you while driving and lift you from the ground up, combined with his tendency to casually chew on heads in the middle of the road as though it was roast beef makes for a traumatizing experience that only gets worse with a license.