5. Brightburn (May 24)
This is another one of the horror movies released over Memorial Day weekend; however, with its status as one of the most buzzed about horror movies of the seasn it more than earned a place on this list.
Some people love horror and some people love superheroes, but what happens if you combine the two genres. I, personally, couldn’t care less about superheroes. but you add a horror element to that and I am all over it.
The female lead in this film is pretty surprising, but seems like a really good choice. Elizabeth Banks is known more as a funny lady and she does it really well in comedies. However, I love seeing her step out of her comfort zone to explore more serious roles and she rocks those too.Brightburn was written by Brian and Mark Gunn and is directed by David Yarovesky.
This film features a similar theme to Superman where a baby crash lands to Earth and becomes a hero, but in this case the baby who crashes on Earth from another planet becomes something dark and terrifying when he comes into his powers.
Having a kid is scary enough as it is with a fairly normal child (are any children normal, though?). Add in alien super powers and a homicidal taste for blood and it won’t be the kid that needs the therapy.