Every Time I Die is a mesmerizing and profound new thriller

Every Time I Die - Courtesy of film PR
Every Time I Die - Courtesy of film PR

New cerebral thriller, Every Time I Die, will be released in theaters and on-demand beginning this Friday. Read our full review of the movie here.

Death is unfathomable to most of us. We can’t imagine what goes on once you cross over the border between the land of the living and the dead. In Gravitas Ventures’ latest thriller, Every Time I Die, the title character, Sam, is allowed to pierce that very veil.

The film is a mostly somber enterprise. Sam has not lived the happiest life. He faced tragedy head-on at an early age when his younger sister drowned, and he was unable to save her. He has carried her death with him ever since, drowning in his own way, from guilt.

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Fast-forward to the present and Sam’s only piece of happiness is with his childhood friend all grown up, Mia, except Mia is married to Tyler, a violent and possessive excuse for a human being. It is by Tyler’s hand that Sam’s ruin comes about.

Tyler spots Mia and Sam together. In retaliation, he brutally murders Sam. But this is only the beginning of his story, not the end. Sam’s consciousness lives on. It navigates through the minds of his friends, attempting to protect them from the same fate he suffered at Tyler’s hands.

I found Every Time I Die to be a surprisingly nuanced and mesmerizing story. Although I do feel it moved too slowly for my taste in some spots. I think the initial murder is the impetus of the plot and it doesn’t occur early enough.

I understand why time was taken to set up the pretext and character past, but I found the exploration of history through Sam’s wandering consciousness more effective than anything that occurred in the film’s opening exposition.

That said, once the story kicks off, I was fully immersed in this tale. It is a melancholy journey, without many bright spots along the way. And I wouldn’t classify it as a horror film, but it as a thriller, it does its job.

Every Time I Die
Every Time I Die – Photo Courtesy of Gravitas Ventures

I want to give special praise to the artful cinematography, the directing, and the musical score of the movie. I felt the underlying beats were excellent assets in building the film’s tension and sense of foreboding. You’re not allowed to feel comfortable while watching this film. Why should you be when such terrible things are occurring?

The music, in particular, made me feel connected to Sam’s growing discontent and frustration at his meandering journey.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the acting. Marc Menchaca was a stand out for me. You may recognize him from his work on Netflix’s Ozark. His portrayal of the soft-spoken “bear,” Jay, is tragic, yet full of quiet strength.

Drew Fonteiro is also great, but we don’t get to see as much of him as I would have liked. Our female leads, Michelle and Melissa Macedo, are excellent too. Mia’s arc in the last act of the film is superb and well-rendered.

Overall, Every Time I Die is a truly unique movie. It will leave you with breathless with anticipation and full of heartache as you become increasingly tethered to Sam’s story.

Are you planning to check out Every Time I Die when it becomes available? Are there any other indie movies you’re excited to see? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Every Time I Die is available in theaters and on-demand on Friday, August 9th.